The 2-day National Forum on Police Crimes 2014 was held at May 16-17, 2014, in Chicago, as a project of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and co-sponsored by Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture at the University of Chicago and International House at the University of Chicago.
Watch the full plenary session filmed by CAN-TV: National Forum on Police Crimes
Speakers include:
Tracye A. Matthews
Associate Director
Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture at the University of Chicago
Frank Chapman
Field Organizer
Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Lennox Hinds
Attorney; Professor of Criminal Justice
Rob Warden
Executive Director
Center on Wrongful Convictions, Northwestern University
Jeff Baker
Committee for a Better Chicago
Muhammad Sankari
Arab American Action Network
Bernardine Dohrn
Clinical Associate Professor of Law
Northwestern University School of Law
Nelson Linder
NAACP - Austin, TX Chapter
Crista Noel
Women's All Points Bulletin
Joseph "Jazz" Hayden
April 30, 2014, People's World, "National forum on police crimes to be held in Chicago" by Evlynn Wier
May 17, 2014, Breaking Voices, "Angela Davis comes to Chicago for National Forum on Police Crime & Racism" by VInce Wallace
May 18, 2014, Chicago Reporter, "Davis: Police violence has hit a 'crisis' point" by Angela Caputo
May 27, 2014, Truthout, "Angela Davis Featured at National Forum on Police Crimes at University of Chicago" by Harry Targ
May 29, 2014, Portside, "National Forum on Police Crimes Calls for Civilian Police Accountability Councils" by Pat Fry
SUMMARY: "Stopping Police Crimes: A National Epidemic Requires a Coordinated National Effort" by Frank Chapman
Stopping police crimes against the undocumented and other immigrants
Stopping police crimes against the labor movement
Stopping police crimes based on institutionalized racism
Stopping police crimes against women
Stopping police crimes and FBI repression of peace and solidarity movements
Stopping police crimes against the LGBTQ community
Stopping police crimes in a prison nation
Call for a National Forum on Police Crimes
National Forum on Police Crimes: Agenda
National Forum on Police Crimes: Breakout Sessions
National Forum on Police Crimes: Host Committee
Police Crimes in the US, A View from Austin, Texas: An Interview with Nelson Linder
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