Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Stopping Police Crimes Against the Undocumented and other Immigrants

The proposed goal of the breakout was “to encourage alliances to resist police crimes committed against people on the basis of their (actual or perceived) immigration status and to discuss how denial of legal and human rights of immigrants affects the community as a whole.”

Session Leaders: Members of Moratorium on Deportations Campaign

Resolutions of the working group:

1. Work to get detainees and deportees to file lawsuits in federal court to get redress for abuse suffered in detention centers, especially short-term detention centers.

2. Resist the building of any new detention centers.

3. Challenge the rhetoric of good immigrant versus bad immigrant.

4. Raise awareness about the vulnerabilities of undocumented persons organizing to stand up for their rights.

5. Create transnational and international networks of resistance to confront free trade agreements, the war on drugs, and militarization.

6. Challenge historical revisionism that accepts the State’s draconian processes as having always existed and as being normal.

7. Push for a moratorium on deportations for all people, including felons and those with a criminal background.

8. Create a space for dialog among different criminalized communities, Latino, Black, Arab, LGBTQ, poor people, etc.

9. Prioritize and understand the struggles of indigenous communities affected by border militarization. Work to tear down any and all walls on both ends of the United States for free movement from the Yucatan to the Yukon.

To become involved in this working group:

Use the working groups sign-up form to select groups to get involved in.

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